Mar 23Liked by Kelsey Worth Solomons

I enjoyed your references to routine and rigidity; I am very much the same. Although I don't do knitting or sewing projects like yourself, I have been thinking of a similar idea with regards my writing (which is my only real 'craft'), as well as my reading (of physical books), and yoga practice, which is something I love but often sideline unless I'm attending an actual class. I like your idea of 'a little bit is better than nothing'. I have been trying to incorporate something similar in the past few days: just reading one page of a book; just doing a five minute yoga video, for example. It is more tricky with my writing, as I don't like to sit and write unless I know I have a chunk of uninterrupted time. Now I'm wondering whether I could incorporate your ideas here as well, and how this would look for a short burst of writing. Thanks for sharing your ideas! :)

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You've inspired me to find time today to get into my sewing room. I still have that velvet jacket to finish (I will NEVER sew silk velvet again!), as well as a different jacket to alter down to my size. Both are close to being finished. Now I think I'll just work a bit each day on one or the other. Thank you!

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Mar 23Liked by Kelsey Worth Solomons

I love the idea of building consistent craft habits too and currently trying to get back to spinning. And the images you've shared are beautiful.

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