This makes me want to try knitting again, especially to knit socks. I need sock knitting redemption. I paid $150 for a class on knitting socks, knitted one baby sock in that class (I was the last to finish), and never knitted another sock. I gave up knitting a few years ago when knitting made me feel anxious vs relaxed as it had before. Or maybe I should stick to sewing, baking, gardening, and writing. Ha. Your knitting is gorgeous. I just love this pattern you're working on now, and you're right, it fits your handspun yarn beautifully.

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Thank you Sandra! I too have some baby socks to knit, actually - and I've taken so long to do so that I now need to knit pairs for two nieces instead of just one. I'm thinking I'll do those no-heel spiral socks for them, so I don't have to worry about knitting a perfectly child-sized sock that will be too small in a few weeks!

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Jun 12Liked by Kelsey Worth Solomons

Your cardigan is already stunning and it's not even finished! That your using your own handspun yarn is so cool :)

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Thank you! Using handspun is a little stressful as well, to be honest, but mostly it's very fun!

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Jun 14Liked by Kelsey Worth Solomons

Your handspun looks so squishy!!!

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It IS!! I used undyed 100% Targhee fiber and the resulting yarn is incredible - it’s like knitting with a cloud! I’m obsessed with it.

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Jun 18Liked by Kelsey Worth Solomons

I’d worry that the spiral socks have no reinforcement at the heel (although the heel could be ina different spot every time you wear them…) Interested to see the final product!

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Yes, I had the same worry - although I did realize that none of the hand knit socks I’ve made so far have really been worn enough to get holes anyway and decided to go for it! I’ll post an update when they’re done!

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